Become a Member
Discover your first step in getting connected to Oakland Baptist Church
Join a Membership Class
Contact: Kashira Hayes
Here’s What You Can Expect:
Step 1: Membership Class
During a two-part class, we will cover our statement of faith (beliefs), church covenant (commitment), and ministries (service). During this time, you will get a deeper understanding of who we are as a church and discover if this is somewhere you would like to call home!
Step 2: Meet with a Pastor
We would love to hear your story! When meeting with a pastor, we will be sharing our stories with one another and will have a deeper understanding of God’s grand story and our place in it.
Step 3: Recommendation and Affirmation
Church leadership will meet together to recommend you as a member to the congregation. Members will have the opportunity to learn more about you at the quarterly Members’ Meeting and decide whether to formally welcome you as a member to Oakland Baptist!
Our Membership
“Membership” can be an intimidating term. At Oakland, we believe a member is someone who actively pursues being a vital component in God’s vision for His Church.
When you make the decision to become a member at Oakland, you’re making a formal commitment to our church community as part of God’s plan to make us more like Jesus.
Our ministry is open for all who affirm Oakland’s Statement of Faith, uphold and share our values, and go through the membership process.
Members make up the governing body, commit to pray for one another, and commit our resources in order to pursue God’s vision for our church. Most importantly, being an active, engaged part of the local church congregation is a critical aspect in your growth in Christ.